Customer Experience (CX) & Next-Gen AI — How CPQ & Field Service can be Supercharged.

9 min readMay 17, 2024
Customer Experience (CX) & Next-Gen AI — How CPQ & Field Service can be Supercharged.

Customer Experience (CX) is the new battleground for businesses. In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, where customer loyalty is hard-won and easily lost, exceeding expectations is no longer a luxury, it’s a survival tactic. Traditional methods are being strained, and businesses are constantly seeking new ways to engage with their customers on a deeper level. This is where Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence (Next-Gen AI), specifically Generative AI (GenAI), emerges as a transformative force.

Next-Gen AI goes beyond the capabilities of traditional AI, which excels at data analysis and pattern recognition. This new wave of AI actively creates entirely new content, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Imagine crafting personalized marketing materials that resonate with each customer’s unique needs and preferences. Envision chatbots that can engage in natural, human-quality conversations, resolving complex issues and offering personalized support. Think about AI-powered tools that can generate immersive content, like music or videos, tailored to specific customer demographics, creating a truly unforgettable brand experience.

The possibilities are truly endless. Could AI-powered emotional recognition software personalize in-store experiences for customers by tailoring product recommendations or promotions based on their mood? Imagine chatbots that not only answer questions but can predict customer needs and proactively offer solutions before problems arise.

The future of CX powered by Next-Gen AI is a future filled with exciting possibilities, fostering a new era of hyper-personalization, unmatched efficiency, and a level of customer engagement never experienced before. Here are some areas of CX that the Next-Gen AI will enable for greater business outcomes.

CPQ & AI: Streamlining Sales Quotes for Businesses with Real-Time Personalization

What is CPQ?

In today’s competitive business landscape, speed and accuracy are crucial for winning sales. However, creating customized quotes for complex products with multiple variations and pricing options can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. This is where CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) software comes in.

CPQ acts as a game-changer for sales teams. Imagine a system that guides you through product configurations, automatically applies accurate pricing based on options and volume, and generates professional quotes in minutes. This is the power of CPQ. It eliminates the need for manual calculations, spreadsheets, and flipping through price sheets, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

The benefits of CPQ extend far beyond just efficiency. Faster turnaround times on quotes translate to quicker deals. Reduced errors lead to happier customers and increased trust. By freeing sales reps from tedious tasks, CPQ empowers them to focus on building relationships and closing deals, ultimately accelerating business growth.

CPQ & Next Gen AI — The Benefits, The Applications & The Use Cases: Real-Time Customer Engagement

The world of Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) software is on the cusp of a revolution. While traditional CPQ streamlines the quoting process, Next Gen AI is poised to transform it entirely. This new wave of intelligent CPQ solutions leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to empower sales teams and unlock a new level of efficiency and effectiveness. In this exploration of Next Gen AI in CPQ, we will delve into the benefits it offers, explore its practical applications, and uncover real-world use cases that illustrate its transformative power.

CPQ & Next Gen AI — Use Case 1. Intelligent Product Recommendations:

  • Scenario: A sales rep is configuring a complex product with numerous options.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action: AI analyzes past sales data, customer profiles, and real-time market trends to recommend the optimal product configuration. It suggests additional compatible products or upgrades that complement the chosen options, potentially increasing the average order value.
  • Full Cycle Example: The rep enters the customer’s industry and basic requirements. AI suggests a starting product configuration and highlights frequently purchased add-ons relevant to that industry. The rep can further customize the solution while being informed of potential compatibility issues and upselling opportunities.


  • Increased Sales & Order Value: AI suggests relevant upsells and complementary products, potentially leading to larger deals.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: By recommending the right products based on customer needs, AI can streamline the sales process and increase the chances of closing a sale.
  • Reduced Configuration Errors: AI can identify potential compatibility issues during configuration, preventing errors and ensuring accurate quotes.

CPQ & Next Gen AI — Use Case 2. Dynamic Pricing and Margin Optimization:

  • Scenario: A company wants to offer competitive pricing while maintaining healthy margins.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action: AI analyzes real-time market data, competitor pricing, and historical sales information. It suggests dynamic pricing adjustments based on factors like customer segment, order volume, and market fluctuations.
  • Full Cycle Example: The CPQ system automatically adjusts the quote based on pre-set AI algorithms. The rep can see the suggested price alongside the AI’s reasoning, considering factors like competitor pricing and potential for bulk discounts. They can then make informed decisions for final quote approval.


  • Increased Profitability: AI helps maintain healthy margins by suggesting competitive yet profitable pricing strategies.
  • Improved Deal Efficiency: Faster and more accurate pricing reduces time spent on manual calculations and negotiations.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Competitive pricing based on market trends fosters a perception of value for the customer.

CPQ & Next Gen AI — Use Case 3. Proactive Lead Scoring and Deal Prediction:

  • Scenario: A company wants to prioritize high-value leads and predict deal closure rates.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action: AI analyzes customer interactions, product inquiries, and past sales data. It assigns scores to leads based on their likelihood to convert, enabling sales teams to focus on the most promising opportunities.
  • Full Cycle Example: When a new lead enters the CPQ system, AI analyzes their information and assigns a score. The sales rep is notified of high-scoring leads and receives insights into their buying behaviour and potential purchase intent.


  • Improved Lead Prioritization: Sales reps can focus their efforts on high-scoring leads with a greater chance of conversion.
  • Reduced Sales Cycle Length: By identifying promising leads early on, AI helps accelerate the sales process.
  • Data-driven Decision Making: Sales teams gain valuable insights into customer behavior and buying patterns, enabling informed strategic decisions.

These are just a few examples of how Next Gen AI will be redefining the CPQ landscape. By harnessing the power of intelligent automation and data-driven insights, businesses can unlock a new era of sales efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

Field Service & AI: Optimizing On-Site Support for Customer Success with Real-Time Efficiency

What is Field Service?

Field service is the industry term for any work done by qualified technicians at a customer’s location, rather than at a company’s facility. This typically involves tasks like installation, repair, and maintenance of equipment, systems, or machinery. Field service workers are often highly skilled specialists who can address complex issues and ensure that equipment functions properly.

There are several advantages to utilizing field service for businesses. Firstly, it improves customer satisfaction by providing prompt and efficient service on-site. This eliminates the need for customers to transport equipment or wait for technicians to return it after repair. Additionally, field service technicians can identify and address potential problems before they cause costly downtime or breakdowns. This proactive approach can save businesses significant money in the long run.

Finally, field service management software streamlines the process of dispatching technicians, managing inventory, and keeping track of customer service requests. This allows businesses to optimize their field service operations and ensure that technicians have the tools and resources they need to complete jobs effectively.

Field Service & Next Gen AI — The Benefits, The Applications, & The Use Cases: Real-Time Problem Solving

Next-generation AI is poised to revolutionize field service. This technology promises to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and optimize operations through intelligent applications, and we’ll explore its benefits, practical uses, and real-world examples in detail.

Field Service & Next Gen AI — Use Case 1. Predictive Maintenance and Automated Scheduling:

  • Scenario: A company wants to minimize equipment downtime and optimize service technician schedules.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action:AI analyzes sensor data from equipment to predict potential failures. It generates service alerts and automatically schedules maintenance visits before critical issues arise.
  • Full Cycle Example:An AI system monitors sensors on a customer’s machine. Upon detecting an anomaly, it predicts a potential failure and triggers an automated service request. The system then optimizes the technician’s schedule based on location, workload, and urgency, ensuring timely intervention.


  • Reduced Downtime: Predictive maintenance prevents unexpected equipment failures, minimizing disruptions and ensuring operational continuity.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: AI efficiently schedules technicians based on workload and urgency, reducing travel time and service costs.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Proactive maintenance minimizes equipment downtime, leading to a more reliable and positive customer experience.

Field Service & Next Gen AI — Use Case 2 — AI-powered Troubleshooting and Repair Assistance:

  • Scenario: A field technician needs assistance diagnosing and resolving a complex equipment issue.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action: AI analyzes data from the equipment, service history, and technician notes. It suggests potential causes of the issue, recommends repair procedures, and provides access to relevant technical manuals and knowledge bases.
  • Full Cycle Example: On-site, the technician uses an AI-powered mobile app to input the equipment data and symptoms. The app analyzes the information and suggests troubleshooting steps with visual aids and repair instructions. It can also connect the technician with remote experts for further consultation if needed.


  • Faster Resolution Times: AI-powered diagnostics and repair suggestions help technicians resolve issues quicker, improving first-time fix rates.
  • Enhanced Technician Expertise: Even less experienced technicians can effectively troubleshoot complex problems with AI guidance.
  • Reduced Knowledge Gaps: A centralized knowledge base ensures all technicians have access to the latest information and best practices.

Field Service & Next Gen AI — Use Case 3. Real-time Knowledge Sharing and Onboarding:

  • Scenario: A company wants to ensure all technicians have access to the latest knowledge and best practices.
  • Next-Gen AI in Action: AI curates a central knowledge base with service manuals, troubleshooting guides, and video tutorials. It personalizes the learning experience for new technicians based on their progress and field assignments.
  • Full Cycle Example: New technicians receive a personalized learning plan from the AI system. They can access relevant training materials and practice simulations before being assigned to real-world service calls. The AI continuously updates their knowledge base with new insights captured from experienced technicians and successful repairs.


  • Shorter Onboarding Time: New technicians can gain proficiency faster through personalized learning plans and readily available resources.
  • Reduced Training Costs: AI-powered training eliminates the need for extensive in-person sessions.
  • Standardized Service Quality: Consistent access to the latest knowledge base ensures all technicians deliver high-quality service.

These are just a few examples of how Next-Gen AI will be able to revolutionize field service operations. By leveraging machine learning and data analysis capabilities, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, optimize processes, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Beyond 2030: My Vision for Next-Gen AI in CPQ & Field Service

The future holds a transformative shift for CPQ (configure-price-quote) and field service operations, driven by the powerful integration of next-generation AI. Here’s a glimpse into what we can expect by 2030 and beyond:

By 2030, the dawn of AI-powered efficiency will see CPQ systems propelled by AI becoming the standard, revolutionizing the quoting process. Expect significantly reduced quote generation times (potentially by up to 50%) and minimized errors through automated calculations and configuration rules. Field service will witness a dramatic rise in first-time fix rates (up to 20% increase) thanks to AI-powered diagnostics and repair guidance. Predictive maintenance, fuelled by AI analysing equipment sensor data, will become a reality, potentially leading to a 30% reduction in unplanned equipment outages.

Fast forward to 2050, in a world of anticipatory service, AI’s role in CPQ and field service will undergo even more transformative advancements. Imagine AI anticipating customer needs before they even arise. AI-powered CPQ systems will not just generate quotes, but also recommend optimal product configurations based on real-time customer data and usage patterns. In field service, AI-powered robots will collaborate with human technicians, tackling complex repairs and automating routine tasks. Predictive maintenance will evolve into preventive automation, with AI autonomously triggering maintenance actions to prevent potential issues before they develop. This could lead to a significant impact, with potential service cost reductions of up to 70% by 2050.

These are not just futuristic visions — the rapid advancements in AI make them a very real possibility. As AI technology continues to evolve, its integration in CPQ and field service promises to usher in an era of unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

Shankar Sitapati, VP Service Delivery of SoftClouds, wrote this article. Leveraging over 25 years in IT, his background spans management consulting and technology leadership. This experience fuels his passion for building high-performing teams that deliver innovative solutions for customers of SoftClouds.

SoftClouds is a CRM, CX, and IT solutions provider based in San Diego, California. As technology trends are proliferating, organizations need to re-focus and align with the new waves to keep pace with the changing trends and technology. The professionals at SoftClouds are here to help you capture these changes through innovation and reach new heights.




SoftClouds | IT, Cloud, CRM & CX Solutions Provider.